Thursday, December 13, 2012

And here's the yellow and green groups on the Hanukah dance.

Dance for Hanukah...

We practiced a dance while we listened to some Hanukah music.  We had a blast and I caught some students having fun!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Below are a few new videos: 2 are from a Kindergarten class who made color patterns and assigned an instrument to each color, then conducted the "band" while they performed the pattern.  One is from a second grade class that was very proud of their expert knowledge of the word of the week - Tempo. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Our staff project pictures... The music is by the Dallas Brass "My Spirit Be Joyful"

Word of the Week

Here's a look at a Kindergarten class describing their Word of the Week, (W.O.W.)  Beat.

Here we go!!!!!!!

Hi Everybody!  Welcome to Mr. H-U's Music page.  Check back frequently for updates on what we are doing in class and things to talk about at home!